Imagine discovering a new Planet, uninhabited, capable of sustaining life; a match of Earth yet without humans.

Imagine the possibility of flying people to the new Planet to start a new world. Think about the many things you would not take, if you were designing a new world from scratch. For example, perhaps you might decide not to take weapons? Perhaps you might not have a need of passports and instead have an identity card?

How might your new world operate? One Planet, no countries, no borders, no divides? What about roads and buildings and the entire infrastructures of life? What fail-proof systems might you develop?

Your chance to design anew; what would you keep, what would you omit, what would you redesign from scratch?

Would you have complicated taxes or just one tax? Would you even have a money system? Would you have an alternative way of living on the new Planet? Would the new Planet be designed in such a way as to support our existing Planet? Designed to serve and fix existing world problems?

Infinite possibilities! What would you do if you could design a Planet anew?

How might our manmade problems on this Planet educate and inspire us to start anew without creating problems?

Now consider how your ideas for a new Planet might get utilized here on Earth for positive change.

This Planet – Earth – could be that new Planet. We could essentially rediscover ourselves. So what would you do? Where would you start?

You might like to try the 5W 1H system (Who, What, Where, Why, When & How) and explore some possibilities by prompting questions. Ideas are your chance to make a difference. You could design a new Planet – whether elsewhere or here; what would you do?

See also:

Pulling the Planet together Mind Map
Human beings exist on the Planet all else is invention Mind Map
Imagine 2110 Mind Map
Jump in a Time Machine to innovate Mind Map
What is the point of innovation? Mind Map

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