My name is Paul Foreman and I create mind maps for inspiration and motivation. I also provide mind mapping tips, drawing tips, techniques for enhancing your creativity and your well-being! Not only can mind mapping provide you guidance and paths for self-improvement, it gives you the tools to help and inspire others!
You can contact me directly at ADMIN @ mindmapinspiration.com.
More About Me
My first Map was the Happiness Mind Map
Mind Maps sparked a way for me to use my creativity and share knowledge and ideas with others. I am self-taught and had to learn basic drawing from Books and through trial and error. A pencil, a rubber and a determination for forming what you want to see on paper is all it takes plus a degree of patience! 🙂
I grabbed some Tony Buzan Mind Map Books and started Mindmapping in 2006. My Mind Maps sometimes stray from the rules yet I prefer to allow that to happen naturally rather than stifling the flow or redrawing too many Maps. Check out Tony Buzans guidelines.
I share many of my Hand-drawn Mind Map Examples via this Blog and the Mind Map Inspiration website. You will see that a great deal of my Mind Maps are self-improvement related and this stems from my own personal experience and journey; they are derived from many years of intensive self-investigation and deep contemplation.
In August 2008 I created a 110 Page E-Book to share the drawing skills I had learned and use within my Mind Maps called Drawing Tips for Mind Mapping
I later released a follow up 71 Page E-Book of advanced drawing techniques called How I Drew My Mind Maps
To explain how I generate my ideas and creativity I wrote my third E-Book of 101 Pages called Idea Creation never be stuck for an idea again!
Then, to share the result of many years of self-investigation, I released an 85 Page E-Book explaining how our thoughts shape our life called Happiness Beyond Thought
In June 2009 I released an E-Book called Mind Map Game Boards taking Mind Maps a stage further by incorporating an interactive element for fun and creativity.
Also available are Mind Map Sets in three categories:
Fun and Creative Sets
Happiness and Motivation Sets
Spiritual Advancement Sets
Most of my Mind Maps are A4, some are A3 and occasionally larger. I prefer working in ink and then either painting or adding colour by computer.
I hope you enjoy viewing my Mind Maps there are hundreds more planned here at the Mind Map Inspiration Blog plus ongoing creativity and drawing tips. Subscribe now via RSS or Email
I am also co-founder of the Mind Map Art Website launched in April 2009 with Adam Sicinski of IQ Matrix which showcases artistic and creative Mind Maps from around the World. Visit: http://www.mindmapart.com/