How might solar panels of the future look? Here is a mind map exploration of alternative solar panel potential.

Open air car parks of the future could have solar panelled roofs to help keep cars cool, whilst collecting the energy of the sun. For new and existing buildings roof combinations such as lean to designs and adjacent car ports could trap the rays of the sun.

Mechanical rotating solar panel units could slowly turn to utilize the direction of the sun and make greater use of smaller spaces. Rotating roof designs may provide unique building potential.

Skyscrapers could have open garden roof areas surrounded by large solar panel fencing – combining a relaxing space, encouraging nature and reducing pollution gases.

Different shapes may introduce new possibilities; ‘V’ shaped designs, curved or bowl shapes, ovals, boxes, cubes and rectangles. New ways to reflect and or trap the rays of the sun.

Shade shelters could provide a double function in public places, parks, fields and woods. Solar tunnels could provide car shelter in towns with solar capture and extraction methods to reduce or use the pollution of vehicles in covered areas.

What other ways might we evolve solar panel potential?

See also:

If I had a Desert Mind Map
How might our buildings combine with nature Mind Map

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