When you take yourself away from the present moment you can only really do so through your thoughts. Being elsewhere could be likened to a compass; you can be here, yet your thinking can take you away from here and in multiple directions. Your thoughts can transport you back to the past or project you into the future and both of these directions happen in the present moment. Not time travel – thought travel.

Losing the present moment is like seeking; your thoughts can be searching for something, anything other than what is happening right now. Resistance, escapism, possibly even boredom or impatience can creep in and lure you away from the now and only via your thinking.

Avoidance of the present moment can cause inner turmoil and worry; wishing you were somewhere else instead of accepting this moment, or expecting a better moment; anything other than “this”. Most anguish is past or future.

Embracing the now means being fully surrendered to the present moment, aware of your surroundings and not seeking reasons to resist where you are right now.

Embracing the present moment means being here now rather than reaching for the compass to take you away from now.

Being here now doesn’t require a compass.

Wherever you are, wherever you turn, wherever you go – that’s the now.

The compass of now points here.

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