Your special powers

The things you love to do in life flow with ease. Hard work dissolves and is replaced with passion and pride; the joy of being on purpose. If you discover what you love to do time is irrelevant to a degree; the joy becomes timeless, enriching your present moments. Your best expands and life shines through you. You feel content and committed to the task; fulfilled in what you do.

Whatever you find natural to you, the things you enjoy and love to do is what fulfils you, inspires you and adds meaning to your life. You are special and you have unique talents; a blend of individual attributes and characteristics. You are like a superhero with special powers. Your make up is a combination of skills that form who you are.

Your unique abilities – the things you are good at and the things you love to do are two of the keys to finding your passion.

No longer counting the hours

It takes honesty to unearth the things you are good at; for example you only delude yourself if you think you can sing when you can’t. The flip side is trying; if you have never tried how do you know? You may be able to sing! Once you have discovered what you are good at you can consider what really fires you up and drives you; the things you love to do. You recognise what you love to do because inside there is a sense of being on purpose. It feels good, it feels right and you can’t wait to express your joy in your chosen field. You don’t tire in your desire to follow your passion. You no longer count the hours. Minutes merge and you fully enjoy your life doing what you love to do.

Is it luck to find your passion or purpose in life? I don’t think so. I think it is crying out to be born from within you. How do you unlock it? I feel it glows at all times and just needs a chance to shine. As you focus on the things you love to do you start attracting opportunities to shine.

Discovering your best

Your best is effortless and it can’t wait to be expressed. If you haven’t discovered what your best is you may need to eliminate those things that don’t allow you to be at your best in order to uncover your unique talents.

Everyone has a purpose.

Let it flow.

If you have yet to uncover your purpose start contemplating how you can make a difference in the world by utilising your unique skills. A great method for helping to unlock your passion is to 5W 1H from many angles. Here are two examples:

1. Ask yourself what you can do for others
2. Ask yourself what you love to do

Try questions such as these:

1. What you can do for others

Who can I help? Who can I reach out to who could use my special gifts?

What can I do to help? What talents of mine are beneficial to others?

Where can I make a difference? Where can I share my skills?

Why will others want to see what I can do? Why do others need me?

When can I allow my talents and abilities to shine in order to help others?

How can I make a difference to the world in order to help other people’s lives?

2. What you love to do

Who needs the things I love to do? Who could benefit from what I have to offer?

What are my skills? What am I good at? What do I love to do?

Where am I most satisfied, most joyful, at ease and loving life?

Why are my talents needed – in what areas can they be used?

When am I on purpose, flowing and loving what I do?

How can I use my talents?

These questions are examples only; keep asking and inquiring of yourself in different ways to discover your real passion.

It may take many months, even years to hone in on what you really want to do and uncover what your “best” is. It may not be work; it may be that your best is a leisure or part-time interest. Whatever it is – let it flow. Let your best shine.

Part of the fun is in the discovery.

Discover your best and see how your best is effortless.

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