I had a thought:

I could build a snowman!

No said another thought

You are too old – that’s for kids

I challenged the thought.

Why can’t I, at 43 years of age, build a snowman if I want to!

Doubt thoughts flooded back in again:

It’s too cold, you’ll get wet, probably get the flu, everyone will think you are nuts and laugh at you – you’ll probably make a complete hash of building the snowman. Paul, you’re going to look stupid!

I challenged the thoughts.

Ok. That’s not true. I can do this and I’m going to do it now. As long as I wrap up warm I’ll be fine.

To make it easy I’ll use the chair in the garden, right, that’s it – I’m off.

And guess what. I built it. It turned out great and I got my brother to photograph it; and I mindmapped it to share the lesson.

You can do whatever you want to – if you want to 🙂

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