Belief is choice. Because belief is choice, what you choose to believe does not have to be true for you to believe it.

Beyond thinking, beyond questions; beyond belief, there is only now. Question everything and keep on asking questions until there are no questions. Base reality remains. Base reality is the clarity of this one moment; nothing to believe in for the sake of believing.

Nothing left undone and nothing left to explain. No expectation; no anticipation; no wish; no struggle – just this; infinitely bathing in one single moment that lasts a lifetime. Pure relaxation – timeless, effortless peace.

Belief is an endless choice of flavours – reality embraces all flavours. Beliefs are man-made – reality is planet-made.

Who put the “lie” in belief? Begs the question what can you accept as true? What can you believe and know to be 100% correct? Only now the present moment because it does not ask you to believe anything.

Belief is choice. Because belief is choice, what you choose to believe does not have to be true for you to believe it.

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