I am me

I am not you. I don’t walk like you, I don’t talk like you, I don’t draw like you, I don’t write like you. I walk, talk, draw and write like me, because I am not you – I am me.

I am not you. I can’t sing like you, I can’t dance like you, I can’t laugh like you, I can’t dream like you. I sing, dance, laugh and dream like me, because I am not you – I am me.

I am not you. I don’t dress like you, I don’t smell like you, I don’t hear like you, I don’t see like you. I dress, smell, hear and see like me, because I am not you – I am me.

I am me. I might be big, small, short, tall, young, old, hairy or bald. I might be loud or quiet, sensible or silly. I might be some of these things or all of these things, be it past, present or future. I might be healthy, I might be sick, I might be slow, I might be quick – whatever I choose to be – and whenever I choose to be it – I am me.

I am not you – I am me.

You are not me – you are you.

I am me. You are you.

I know you are you and I know I am me. I know I am not you because I know I am me. You are different to me and that’s how it should be as you are you and I am me.

That’s how it should be – I am me.

I am me. I am me. I am me. You are you and I am me.

Congratulations on being you.

I am me. 🙂

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