“Whenever you become defensive about anything, know that you have identified yourself with an illusion”
At first, simply reading this quote may annoy you?
If it does, read it again, after you have had your “reaction” 🙂
The quote needs deep contemplation to really understand and appreciate the message.
It helps prompt investigation into why the reaction occurred in you.
It helps highlight your focus – invariably negative.
The reaction or negativity may only be thought-based.
To try this out firsthand recall the quote or abbreviated idea I have created in this Mind Map whenever you next become angry.
The abbreviation to “Anger is an Illusion” simply helps reduce the quote for easier recall.
Often a deflection in thought helps calm your inner “build up” before it accumulates into steam blowing from your ears!
Imagine that when the steam starts blowing fog descends and clarity of judgment and vision become impaired.
Remember the quote – or the title of this Mind Map to disassociate from the thought that caused anger to arise.
Effective even if a momentary diversion.
Investigate the reaction and question its justification – very often instant snap judgments later explored uncover the reaction as unwarranted – I think you will find the difference amazing. Many reactions herald from thought-based accumulations or assumptions – often untrue.
Remind yourself that you have identified with an illusion and if necessary remove yourself from the situation at hand until your head clears.
Often it can take a lot of courage and presence not to react.
Many times you will notice that anger takes you away from the present moment and that a large percentage of the anger gets uncovered as predominantly thought-based.
Another great way to consider it: Every time you lose your cool it may affect your health.
I hope this Mind Map will help you to keep your cool next time you feel anger rising.
It may help prevent you blowing a gasket!
Here are 5 steps to combating anger:
1. Focus on your breathing – take deep, slow, calming breaths.
2. Come back to the present moment – See Present Moment Awareness Mind Map
3. Stop Thinking (or over-thinking and analysing) – See Stop Thinking Tips Mind Map and Free Stop Thinking 85 Page E-Book
4. Investigate why you reacted – even if you simply ask “why?” and keep asking “why?” – See Five Steps to Finding your Rag Mind Map
5. Meditate – Clear your mind and start afresh – See Meditation Mind Map & How to meditate
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