The advice from Leonardo da Vinci quoted in this mind map comes from almost 500 years ago.
Imagine five hundred years from now, this advice will probably still stand; and none of us will. A sobering thought which helps put your life into perspective. It also speaks of leaving a legacy – leaving something greater than you behind to help the World.
What percentage of your life goes towards helping others?
Da Vinci says “Every now and then” – could that mean your annual holiday after which you feel refreshed and ready for anything or could it mean daily – taking time out?
How much time do you dedicate to contemplation, recharging and gaining a sense of proportion?
What percentage of your daily activities is dedicated to nurturing you?
How much of your life focuses on maintaining harmony?
Da Vinci says “Go some distance away” – does that mean abroad, or simply taking a walk in your lunch break?
You can distance yourself from your work by tuning out, focusing on something entirely different, perhaps meditating or finding a quite space to rest and recharge. You can enjoy brief mini vacations in the silent spaces between your thoughts. You can refresh yourself simply through a change of scenery during the day.
However and how often you choose to recharge, when you return, you can feel revitalised and see with new eyes.
Why not incorporate time into your daily schedule dedicated entirely to switching off – see if it improves your efficiency, effectiveness and wellbeing.
Could you do this daily?
Why not?
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