“I want to sing like the birds sing, not worrying who listens or what they think” Rumi

I discovered this beautiful quote via Deepak Chopra in his book “The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success”. It cuts straight to the heart of living life as you, being and sharing who you are and expressing your unique gifts and talents with the world. Sing like the birds. Not a whistle of ignorance – a whistle of happiness and contentment.

Not just a whistle – sing your song – whatever your song is.

Does it matter who is listening?

Does it matter what they think?

If your song inspires, if your song is a happy song, a positive song; if your song makes a difference to you and others around you all the better. Sing anyway – sing your song unconditionally, detaching from result and outcome.

Sing like the birds – not to impress, yet because it’s what you want to do. Be you.

To sing like the birds is to share your happiness your way, embracing and enjoying life – your way, because we aren’t all the same.

Have you ever noticed that if you whistle to the birds they often whistle back? Why? Because they don’t think they shouldn’t.

The birds sing of peace, freedom and joy – they don’t wait for a reason to sing, they just sing. The birds are not necessarily singing for applause; they just sing. The birds know about gaps, they know about silence, they know about timing, they know about beauty, they know about music, and they know how to sing.

The birds sing, and sing, and sing.

Sing like the birds.

That’s you sharing you unconditionally.

See also: Lessons from birds Mind Map

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