1. Hand-drawn various mediums
2. Computers online and software
3. Thinking mind and brain
The two main methods of creating mindmaps are hand-drawn and computer-generated. A third method exists which the first two utilise. What is the third method? Thinking, or specifically “mindmap” thinking.
Naturally, your brain thinks in mindmap form using associations, images, links and connections as you go about your day. However, are you consciously aware of it and are you actively encouraging it and exploring its potential?
Everything you come into contact with, doesn’t matter what it is, spare a few minutes to think about its uses, manufacture, country of origin, materials, suppliers, shipping, design, printers, insurers, marketers, alternative uses, potential combinations of uses with other items etc. Consider everyone involved in bringing the item in front of you; it’s journey and all the people each playing a part in the creation of the item.
A quick phrase to help recall this idea and expand your potential is “thinking linking”. Few of us walk around with mindmap equipment or software at our disposal 24-7 Okay, some do, and technology is booming daily with mindmaps now available on mobile phones! All of us have the capacity to use our brains more – so give it a try – mindmap thinking, or thinking linking. You may find after experimenting that you will need to carry mindmap equipment or at least pen and paper in order to capture and capitalise on your ideas!
Remember – thinking linking
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