I’ve spent many hours contemplating what makes a Blog Post successful. I’ve read countless ideas and suggestions around the internet and viewed some wonderful writing in different niche areas and genres. I decided to share some of the key points in a Mind Map for reference.
The ideas presented here are not a set of rules or laws; just some handy pointers.
Mindmapping helped me uncover the ideas and suggestions I have read and seen in use.
Here is the content of the Mind Map in conventional list format:
1. Structured
2. Variety
3. Planning
4. User-friendly
5. Progressive
6. Inviting
7. Encouraging
8. Questions
10. Inter-actions
11. Timeless
12. Ordered
13. Timely
14. Clarity
15. Reader-orientated
16. Relevant
17. Flagship content
18. Great content
19. Pillar posts
20. Listening
21. Topical
22. Spontaneous
23. Trend spotting
24. Trend creating
25. Flexible
26. Inventive
27. Learning
28. Informative
29. Correct
30. Unique
31. Diverse
32. Original
33. New take
34. New angle
35. Different
36. Error-free
37. Waffle-free
38. Valuable
39. Accurate
40. Research
41. Knowledge
42. Ideas
43. Experience
44. Interesting
45. Useful
46. Worthwhile
47. Noteworthy
48. Entertaining
49. Thought provoking
50. Space
51. Space to think
52. Personal
53. Flavour
54. Stance
55. Opinion
56. Position
57. Belief
58. Wide
59. Diverse
60. Style
61. Emotions
62. Benefits
63. Understandable
64. Specific
65. Clear
66. Genuine
67. Relate
68. Well-paced
69. Well-spaced
70. Inspiring
71. Motivating
72. Design
73. Language
74. Voice
75. Comprehensive
76. Complete
77. 5W1H – Who, What, Where, When, Why, How
78. Fun
79. Show don’t tell
80. Demonstrate
81. Rounded
82. Brevity
83. Depth
84. Balance
85. Combination of words & images
86. Awareness
87. Observation
88. Learn
89. Self
90. Others
91. References
92. Evidence
93. Credit
95. Source
96. Acknowledge
97. Links
98. Suggestions
99. Relevant referrals
100. Recommendations
101. Call to action
Here are the 101 Answers in combined Mind Map and list format:
I hope the “What makes a great Blog Post” Mind Map and list of pointers above help you in your own writing. It’s helping me and I continue to learn – daily! 🙂
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